Assisted Living Communities Streamline Medication Management Using SC Home Rx

Photo of a nurse with an older woman in a wheelchair
 Assisted Living Communities have specific needs for providing medication management for their residents. With decades of experience serving senior living communities, SC Home Rx has developed a pharmacy partnership program specifically tailored to meet those varied needs.

SC Home Rx uses Syn-Med automation that delivers unparalleled accuracy and offers multi-medication blister packs in 30-day and 7-day formats. The blister card, with the resident's picture printed at the top, is color coded for the time to be dispensed. There is also a visual representation of each pill and its description, providing another layer of safety for the patient. 

Below are some highlights of the SC Home Rx assisted living program.
•	Medication Disposal
•	Quarterly Audits
•	Emergency Evacuation Support
•	Cycle Fill Service to reduce ordering time
•	Syn-Med Automation
•	Streamlined Communication
•	Medical Provider Collaboration
•	Onboarding Support
•	Secured Delivery Service
•	Med-Tech Training
•	E-Mar Platforms

Assisted Living Communities under contract with SC Home Rx will have an RN assigned to provide onboarding support, including med-tech training for the electronic medication administration record (E-MAR) platform. If a community has unique challenges with its medication management, SC Home Rx will work to find a custom solution.

Greg Charlton, Vice President of Strategic Growth for SC Home Rx, stated, "this program is much more than a pharmacy providing medications. We have developed a system to improve medication management within the assisted living community that utilizes technology to increase accuracy, maintain compliance, and increase efficiency."

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