Five Advantages of Onsite Primary Care in Assisted Living

A nurse speaks with an older woman in a wheelchair
There are numerous advantages for assisted living communities to partner with a primary care provider like South Carolina & Georgia House Calls (SC & GA HC). The key to a successful program is seeing the residents regularly and addressing issues before developing into more severe conditions. Regularly scheduled care improves a community's overall health and statistically reduces hospitalizations.

1.	Patient Familiarity:
Assisted living administrators and staff see patient relationships and consistency of care as a significant advantage for incorporating onsite primary care into their communities. Clinicians who see patients regularly gain familiarity, allowing for better coordination, communication, and overall care.

2.	Marketing:
In addition to better healthcare for current residents, offering prospective residents onsite medical care can be a great marketing tool. Caregivers considering assisted living for a loved one will naturally be interested in care options available within a community, and providing onsite care, could be the deciding factor when making their choice.

3.	Technology:
Technology should never be a roadblock in the delivery of healthcare services. With the proliferation of telehealth as a viable option, access to those services becomes critical. SC & GA HC developed a Patient Care Coordinator program to assist assisted living patients with the technology portion of that equation. The PCC frees up community resources by coordinating the technology between the provider, patient, and family members.

4.	Coordination:
The primary care provider is integral in coordinating any specialty services a patient might require. With their proactive patient-centric model, SC & GA HC team has over ten specialty services in-house that can assess the patient virtually and recommend ongoing treatment options.

5.	Chronic Care Management:
Chronic Care Management (CCM) is the coordination of care outside traditional medical visits for patients with two or more chronic conditions. The (CCM) program establishes consistent patient-provider relationships and offers customized patient-centric healthcare education while increasing patient satisfaction. Through CCM, SC & GA HC delivers a coordinated level of care that seeks to improve its patients' overall health and quality of life.

SC House Calls & GA House Calls is a network of over 250 medical professionals providing In-home medical house calls and Telehealth visits to Private Residences, Assisted Living Communities, and Skilled Nursing Facilities. SC House Calls serves all 46 Counties of South Carolina. New patient registration, appointments, and 24-7 access to medical professionals are available through its Center for Telehealth @ 800-491-0909

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