Seven Ways a Patient Portal Saves Time and Money

A doctor holding a smartphone. Medical symbols hover above the phone.
Like most people, you probably have applications on your phone that you seldom or never use. However, there is one app available through SC & GA House Calls and Main Street Physicians that I highly recommend if you want to save both time and money. Medical records in the past have always been a cumbersome burden and usually the patient's responsibility. Still, all the advantages align with patients' priorities with today's electronic medical records. Let's look at seven ways a patient portal helps smartly to manage your healthcare.

1.	You no longer need to write checks or pay your bill through the mail. The patient portal has your latest completed services, and any patient charges are displayed in an easy-to-understand format. Once you use the system to pay a bill the first time, it will store the information inside your unique record, and any future payments are completed with one click of the mouse.

2.	Sometimes a patient will see the doctor and later have a question they forgot to ask during the exam. No worries, you can communicate with your physician through the messaging part of the app. The doctor can respond and alleviate the need to play phone tag in trying to talk with them.

3.	The patient portal gives you complete control over your records. Whenever test results and labs are uploaded to your history, the system notifies you that they are available for viewing. This step is a handy tool for students or employees that must show COVID 19 or other test results for entry to a school or company.

4.	Most of us have experienced the frustration of phone trees that never quite get us to the service we are seeking. With the portal, the patient is in the driver's seat, and whether the office is open or closed, you can schedule your next appointment based on your convenience and availability rather than that of the office.

5.	When seeing a specialist, they typically want to see the results of tests your primary care provider has run to that point. In the past, the patient was often responsible for the logistics of getting copies and bringing them to the specialist. With the portal, all your records are in one place, and getting them to the specialist is as easy as forwarding them electronically through the system.

6.	First-time patients can avoid that awkward stack of paperwork offices require on their first visit by downloading and filling everything in the comfort of your home. This streamlined approach saves you time and frustration on the appointment day.

7.	Need a special letter from your physician for going back to work or school. These requests can easily be handled through the portal and eliminate any additional travel or wasted time. The portal puts you in complete control of your records; you can easily download healthcare summaries, test results, and any other documents you might need for another provider.

SC House Calls & GA House Calls is a network of over 250 medical professionals providing In-home medical house calls and Telehealth visits to Private Residences, Assisted Living Communities, and Skilled Nursing Facilities. SC House Calls serves all 46 Counties of South Carolina. New patient registration, appointments, and 24-7 access to medical professionals are available through its Center for Telehealth @ 800-491-0909

Proactive, Patient-Centered Care (Part Two)


Healthcare Providers Require Agility when Adapting to Industry Changes