Start the New Year with Annual Wellness Exam

As you think of everything you want to accomplish in 2023, don't forget to put an annual wellness exam on your to-do list. The exam is the perfect way to start the year by getting a comprehensive healthcare assessment that establishes a baseline and shows areas where you can improve. The exam is not only a smart healthcare decision but is also considered a proactive approach for most insurance companies, including Medicare, who pay 100% of the cost. Below are five additional reasons to schedule your annual wellness exam today:

1. Medication Management: Prescriptions have a way of multiplying over time. A wellness exam is a perfect opportunity for a provider to evaluate a patient's current medications to see if they are still relevant to their condition. South Carolina & Georgia House Calls (SC & GA HC) additionally has on-staff pharmacists who can perform a full assessment with recommendations on de-prescribing redundant or unnecessary medications.

2. Vaccinations: Just like medication management, vaccinations are another area that should be reviewed and updated annually. As a person ages, vaccinations that may not have been beneficial earlier can become more critical for protecting patients' future health. In addition, any new vaccinations that are developed can be evaluated by your practitioner as to appropriateness to an individual's medical condition.

3. Healthier Lifestyle: If a patient has not seen a doctor for a while, an annual wellness exam can be the perfect springboard to reestablishing a healthcare relationship. A patient should look to the practitioner as a member of their healthcare team that makes recommendations and encourages a lifestyle that can lead to a better quality of life. SC & GA HC has found that regular, consistent visits with their patients produce the best results.

4. Screening: A patient will be screened for high blood pressure, cholesterol, blood glucose, osteoporosis, body mass index, and dozens of other potential issues that can develop into more serious illnesses if not addressed early. After evaluating the results, a practitioner might recommend a specialist if necessary. SC & GA HC has over ten in-house specialty services allowing their practitioners to consult and get immediate feedback for any concerns.

5. Control: A patient who is more involved in their care will ultimately have better outcomes. It is desirable to view the practitioner/patient relationship as a partnership where both parties are interested in the same objective, better health. This approach helps develop trust and a willingness on the patient's part to be more open and honest and to make lifestyle changes that will result in positive healthcare outcomes.

SC House Calls & GA House Calls is a network of over 250 medical professionals providing In-home medical house calls and Telehealth visits to Private Residences, Assisted Living Communities, and Skilled Nursing Facilities. SC House Calls serves all 46 Counties of South Carolina. New patient registration, appointments, and 24-7 access to medical professionals are available through its Center for Telehealth @ 800-491-0909


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