The Link Between Chiropractic and Better Sleep 

Written by Mike Nemastil, DC

Good day, all! Dr. Mike is here again to discuss how chiropractic effectively improves sleep.  

I wish I had a dollar for every time one of my patients told me they were sleeping better since starting my prescribed chiropractic care plan. As the proverbial saying goes, "I'd be a rich man!” 

 When I get a new patient in the office, I will typically ask them how they sleep—face up, face down, on their side, etc. I might even ask about their mattress and perhaps their pillow, too. Sometimes, their sleep pattern/posture can shed some light on their quality of sleep. The biggest impact on their improved quality of sleep, however, is after they start chiropractic care.  

We go through life and acquire various forms of stress to our bodies and minds—physical, mental, and emotional—from our jobs, being parents, financial responsibilities, and so on. And then there's the physical stress we encounter from sports, recreational activities, and being weekend warriors in our yards! In short, we put our body and core structure (spine) through a lot.  

Our core structure, our spine, is mechanical; it has many moving parts. As we go through life, incurring various stresses to our bodies and minds, our body responds in various ways, such as muscle spasms or muscular trigger points, anxiety, depression, aches/pains, stiffness, loss of appetite, sleep disturbance, etc.   

So, let's talk about what chiropractic can do for you. The most important thing about chiropractic is that it helps improve nervous system function. Our nervous system, the spinal cord, runs through our spine. Then, spinal nerves exit the spinal cord at each bony level of the spine and take information from the brain to every body cell. The central nervous system is the communication network in our body. So, if we relieve the nervous system stress through chiropractic adjustments of the spine, we can improve brain-to-body communication. And that is a massive step towards improving our body's functions, thus improving our overall wellness.   

Chiropractic spine adjustments also help relieve tissue stress, whether joint surface compression, displacement, muscular spasm, or connective tissue tension. Our treatment of the spine has far-reaching effects. Chiropractic care allows the body to achieve a more relaxed state. When you're more comfortable, you will get to sleep faster, and you will sleep better. Patients inevitably tell me that they slept better that night after their first chiropractic treatment.    

Of course, chiropractic is used mainly to treat pain. When we help folks reduce their pain, their quality of sleep improves. When quality of sleep improves, the quality of life will certainly improve. You will wake up more rested and better able to handle the stresses of the day.   

You owe it to yourself to try chiropractic care. Get your body working better, start sleeping better, and then start feeling better. Get back into LIFE! 


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