Celebrate Mother's Day with a Commitment to Better Health 

With Mother's Day just around the corner and May being Women's Health Awareness Month, it is the perfect time for women to prioritize their health. Within National Women's Health Month, several federal agencies celebrate National Women's Health Week (NWHW), which begins on Mother's Day each year. This year's Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) theme is "Women's Health, Whole Health: Prevention, Care and Wellbeing." The 2024 Food and Drug Administration (FDA) theme is "Know Your Bones." The FDA encourages women to take charge of their bone health, including preventing and managing osteoporosis. Each day of NWHW, the FDA highlights a different topic on women's health and provides resources to spread its message. 

Women face many unique healthcare challenges throughout their lifetime, including reproductive health, breast health, menopause, hormonal changes, osteoporosis, and heart health, now the number one killer of women, accounting for one out of every five female deaths in the US. As you study the information provided, you start to see a common theme about best practices suggested by these government agencies and healthcare providers. Proactive care, including regular check-ups and screenings, is highly recommended for discovering issues in their earliest stages for the best possible outcomes. 

Consider your time planning a major vacation, preparing for a child's education, or your financial security and retirement. Adding a comprehensive healthcare plan addressing the unique challenges women face to that mix could be the wisest decision. It is hard to imagine anything as crucial as acquiring and maintaining good health, especially as we age. An excellent first step if you last saw a doctor a while ago is to schedule an annual medical wellness visit. Taking control of your health through education, regular medical visits and pertinent screenings will help you stay on track and experience good health well into your later years. 

"Your Health" is an extensive network of primary care providers, specialists, healthcare coaches, wellness programs, and educational opportunities dedicated to providing patients with the best possible healthcare. "Your Health" practices Value-based care based on measurable positive patient outcomes. There has never been a better time to commit to improving your health. Make the call today and put our skilled and dedicated professionals on your healthcare team to start living your best and healthiest life.


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