Take Aim at Rehospitalizations with RPM Technology

A graph detailing the growth of utilization of remote patient monitoring from October 2019 to November 2020
Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM), a technology that allows for the daily monitoring of a patient's vitals in the home and then transmits those readings to a central location to be analyzed by licensed professionals, shows remarkable results for reducing unnecessary hospitalizations.  

The RPM vitals measured includes Oxygen Saturation, Weight, Blood Pressure, and Pulse. The RPM program focusing on the specific disease processes of Congestive Heart Failure (CHF), Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and Diabetes, gives clinicians a real-time heads up to patient changes allowing quicker intervention before problems escalate.  

Since launching the program in October of 2019, SCHC continues to grow utilization, and as of November 2020, 675 South Carolina patients have been served. Statistics for the previous three months of 2020 (Below) show the RPM technology's potential to become a permanent "Game Changer" for people suffering from these diseases. 

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